Connecting Families & Therapists for Better Outcomes

TheraV provides families with the information they need to decide

on the best therapist that fits their needs, without leaving home.

I'm a ClientI'm a Therapist


Meetings now require an access code in order to enter meetings. This access code is written in the text of the email clients receive. They will need to read the email and type in the access code when prompted.

You can now generate an external link to send clients in addition to the emailed link. After you schedule the appointment as usual, click on your appointment tab. Next to your appointment click the “edit” tab. The first blue button for each appointment will say “generate link.” Click on that and you will see the generated link and access code. You can copy and paste that to send to your clients.


Want to try it out?

We’ve got a free trial offer for you! Click here to learn more.

How can we help?

Whether you’re a therapist or individual in search of services, TheraV makes therapy (speech, behavioral, mental health, OT, PT) easier for everyone.