FREE Trial!

Welcome to the TheraV FREE Trial!

Here are a few things that will help you get started.

Create Account

1. The platform currently only works in Google Chrome. As the host, you will need to install this
Google Chrome Extension (simply click the hyperlink and add it to Chrome) in order to initiate the video and screen share.

2. Use this link to access the platform:
You can also access the link directly from our website:

3. Create an account with your personal information. We always have a 1 week free trial, during which you will NOT be charged. Once the trial has ended, you will be charged for the time you spend on the platform with a client, unless you opt in to the monthly fee.

4. Don’t forget to set your timezone, this will help make it easier when setting up appointments.

Create New Clients

5. Once your account has been created, you’ll need to add each client. Under Clients, click Add Client. Add their first name and email address. Also, set the time zone they’re located in. This will affect the session time listed in the notification email they receive.

Set An Appointment

6. To create an appointment with a client, go to Client, find their name and click Make Appointment.

7. An email message will pop up where you can fill in the details. At this time, you can also upload documents to have available during your session with that client. Click on the “use tele-meeting” button.

8. Clients will automatically receive an email informing them of their scheduled session, including the date and time as well as the link they’ll need to join the session.

Start a Session

9. Your sessions are listed in two places: under Appointments and next to the name of the client
on the Client List.

10. To start a session: click on Appointments, then click on the Video button next to the client’s name. Conducting a Session

11. The session starts when you click the button. The client joins the session by clicking their link in the email. If the client joins before you do, they’ll be placed in a “waiting room” until you join. You can see if the client is in the waiting room by seeing their status under “appointments.” If they are in the waiting room it will have a green “yes” button under “waiting room.”

12. Once in the session, there are three main functions you can use and control by three buttons on your screen:

a. Screen Share b. Interactive Whiteboard c. Give client control (of whiteboard)

13. Audio/Visual controls: You can turn the mic and video on/off. These controls are below each picture frame.

14. Initiate screen share by clicking the “Screen Share” button. You can choose to share your whole screen, or any application you have open. 

15. Document Share (within the whiteboard): This button looks like a cloud with an up arrow in the bottom left corner of the whiteboard. It will bring up your hard drive, and you can navigate to your materials. You can share additional documents (up to 25MB) in the whiteboard by simply clicking Add File.

End the Session

1. Simply click the End Session button in the lower left corner. This will end your session for you and the client. 2. A list of past sessions can be found under your Account.

Additional Tips:

1. If you’ll be sharing pdfs from the web, make sure you’ve downloaded Adobe PDF reader so it can convert them into a saved pdf on your computer versus a stored link on the cloud.
2. Appointments will appear up to 15 minutes after the scheduled time. After that, they disappear and you will have to create a new appointment.